Sunday, February 19, 2006

Starting Is The Hardest Part... (a.k.a. Why Is That?)

Have you ever noticed that starting something is usually harder than completing it? We as humans spend a ton of time procrastinating and avoiding things, even to our own detriment. Why is that?

For a very long time I have wanted to write a frugal living newsletter. I want to write it, publish it, mail it, and watch it grow. I've spent more time thinking (can you say procrastinating?) about writing the dang thing that it would have taken to just start doing it. Why is that?

I've often wondered why I can spend hours on end reading a message board, or an hour writing a post or e-mail. I spend 8 hours a day working my butt off for the business I work for. I work hard and I do a good job. But, it is so hard to sit down, on my own unpaid time, and do something that I want to do for my own business. Why is that?

As people we grow up and move out of our parent's homes and "start" living our lives. Here in America that generally means that we also tend to accrue a lot of debt - student loans, credit cards, car payments and let's not forget huge mortgages. We make our own lives miserable by spending money we don't have on things we can't afford in the first place. Why is that?

Is it the "American Dream?" I think not. And, my mission in life is now to share with you what I think that American Dream really is!

Subscribe to my newsletter, The Frugal Place, and get a monthly dose of the frugal life and learn how to find that new American Dream - the one you can afford! Subscription is $12 for 8 issues a year. Money back guarantee! Paypal: or e-mail me for the snail-mail address to send payment.


Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on starting your newsletter. I have a ryze group about frugal living at
You're more than welcome to advertise for subscribers there.

Good luck to you.
DeAnna Spencer

9:18 PM  

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