Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Loving The Frugal Blog!

I consider myself to be a pretty computer literate human. Somehow though I managed to get this far in life without learning HTML. Looks like I need to look for the "HTML For Dummies" book at the local thrift store! Geez... took me an hour to put that AdSense affiliate ad on here! :)

The newsletter is about done and I am SO excited to get it out there and share our furgal journey and tips with everyone! If you would like a copy of the 1st edition PayPal or send me $2 and I will get you an evaluation copy. If you want to subscribe from there I will take the $2 off the subscription price for the first year for you.

Well, my day of frugal living and HTML cursing have ended.


Subscribe to my newsletter, The Frugal Place, and get a monthly dose of the frugal life and learn how to find that new American Dream - the one you can afford! Subscription is $12 for 8 issues a year. Money back guarantee! Paypal: or send check/money order to me at: Donna Hentsch, The Frugal Place, 16345 Gilman Road, Montague CA 96064.


Blogger Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

Hey Donna-haven't been on Frugal Living @ About very steadily recently, so I just noticed that you also started a blog! Great! I'm having a lot of fun with mine and there are lots of free resources available if you want/need them.

7:04 AM  

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