Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Social Mail is Really Cool!

Like everyone else I am getting to a point where I have multiple e-mail accounts and with them the multiple passwords that go along with them. Sometimes I will send out an e-mail, forget which account I used, and wonder why I haven't gotten an answer. Has this happened to you before? There is a GREAT new site out there helping to change all this, and make our family/friends/business communication work better. This site is called Social Mail.

Social Mail is all about bringing group communication to one place and eliminating the gazillion e-mail messages that get lost in spam filters and clog up our e-mail boxes. It's a site who's time really has come!

One of the absolute coolest things on Social Mail is that you can create a poll or survey. You can then sit back and process the results when you get the time. I have to say I am registering and will really use Social Mail.

Check them out at!


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