Saturday, June 03, 2006

Thank You Rinty, You Motivated Me!

I started blogging about frugal living as an alternative to writing a newsletter or taking the time to finally get that book that's in my head down on paper. I don't know why but I do seem to be a pretty boring blogger. I've noticed it and someone recently pointed out that the blog seemed to be kinda bland. THANK YOU Rinty! You gave me a slight kick-in-the-butt at just the right time. I will make much more of an effort to blog from the heart and to blog the way I wanted to from the start.

For a long while I have wanted to be a writer. I have wanted to make a living doing something I can do alone, without the office politics and crap of working with other people day in and day out, and doing that which I love. Writing is a hard thing to get income doing, even freelance, but I finally decided it is time. Bought the "Writer's Market" and am working on putting those projects in my head onto the written page. And, working on those query letters to editors around the country.

Life in our household has been a real struggle over the years for one reason or another. However, our life is also really great and interesting because of those struggles and challenges. It's a human-nature thing to assume our lives are "boring" but when you think about it most people really do have interesting lives - just not to themselves. I think this is the root of my boring-blog problem. I think I assume, and we know what happens when you do that, no one really wants to hear about our story. Funny thing is, most people tell me that's exactly what I should write about - and what they want to read!

Today is Jason's 12th birthday. It's amazing to think 12 years (plus 10 weeks) have passed since we found out we were going to be the parents of a dwarf child. Who knew it even possible! Certainly not us... Jason's dwarfism is caused by a genetic mutation and not heredity. Most people, including ourselves, found it weird that average sized people can have a dwarf child. In reality, that's generally the case. Most dwarf babies are born to average sized adults. Even us fat ones. :)

I have to gloat and say that Jason is an amazing child. Really, not just a parent comment, he really is amazing. I have always found it interesting that while his limbs are short, and his challenges in life can be daunting, he handles it amazingly well. The kid can adapt to anything.

Happy Birthday, Jason! Only four more and you can drive - OMG.... HELP!!!!!!!


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