Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Life Takes Over

Hi Everyone!

I have not been able to update my blog lately because life has just plain been too hectic...

Hubby has been in the hospital about 2 weeks of the last 2 1/2. He started with an infection in his leg and then got pnumonia. While in the hospital our youngest son came down with the flu. Then our oldest son was fortunate enough to get it! All the while I came down with a horrible cold. We are starting to wonder what else can happen in our lives... Geez...

I have to admit that hospital and illness is just plain not frugal. There is the time, the gas and more of an issue for me - convenience foods - because the last thing I want to do at the end of a long day is cook. Heck, as DH and my kids can attest to, the last thing I ever want to do at the end of the day is cook. :)

So, March ended up being not the most frugal month of the year. So, now we will try and improve on April. Gotta move forward.

Thankfully I have been stocking up pretty well lately and won't have a lot of cash needed for groceries and house stuff this month.

What's your plan for April?


Blogger Mom2fur said...

I hope that everyone in your family is now on the mend and will be healthy from now on! That must have been a tough time.
I don't have anything special planned for April, except Easter. I'm going to try to be frugal but fun with the baskets. I have those plastic eggs and I'm going to fill them with candy I bought on sale--still festive, but a lot cheaper than the stuff you pay extra for just because it's wrapped in pink foil. Besides, I get to choose the candy my kids really like--like gummy worms. My sil does Easter dinner. If she doesn't have a turkey--I'm going to take the one I bought on sale out of the freezer later in the month and have that for dinner before it gets too warm to cook it.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

I'm glad to hear that DH is home. When I emailed you earlier in the month it was before I had read on FL to see he was in the hospital!

April is a busy month for us-tons of birthdays to include my own and Princess's 5th :) So I'm pretty much thinking about how to throw a kids party without going broke.

Also, with the warm weather my garden is on my mind, as well as organizing the house-the piles are starting to get to me! I also know that the neighborhood yard sale is in June, so I need to go through and get stuff ready before that (I know June sounds a long way off, but hey, wasn't it just January last week or something?????)

11:00 AM  

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